Monday, February 8, 2016

"EDITORS" NOTE: This is a rant. I don't understand everything in this world and I won't claim to. If you understand everything, you are fooling yourself and being a fool because you simply can not understand everything, it's against our nature as humans. We strive for it, the best of us work toward a greater understanding of the world around us, of ourselves, but we will never understand EVERYTHING, it's the nature of the game. I decided to repost this from Facebook because I often go off on a tangent there first. In the future, maybe I'll go in to more detail using this forum. Facebook for "previews" of coming attractions . . . .


We are so egocentric we don't realize we are the only country in the "modern world" that DOESN'T have universal healthcare, reduced or free college tuition, paid maternity leave, and the like . . .

Yes, those countries pay a bit more in taxes to support it, but they're also THRIVING. Look at the European Space Agency, leaps and bounds ahead of NASA these days in unmanned space exploration. All the biggest advances in atomic physics have come out of Europe lately too, better cars, phone tech, medical advances.

The United States is NOT a world leader in Science and Industry any more and you can't blame Obama for that. You can blame fifteen years of war against fictional enemies in the Middle East to line the pockets of stockholders in oil and defense contracting, commercial prisons, Christian propaganda, xenophobia, and the misguided notion hat we are somehow better than everyone else.

( insert snazzy caption here )
The only people in this country that have ANY right to say they don't like foreigners or are against immigration are the Native Americans, the aboriginal populations of this nation that have been brought to near extinction by white privilege.

I'm sorry, but some people are different. They have a different point of view, different motivations, different needs, different desires, and that's perfectly fine!!! Get over it.

I can't stand most country music, but that doesn't mean I have any right to wipe it off the face of the Earth.

As long as we treat each other with decency and respect, that's all that should matter.

Radical "Islam" gets attention because to radical, violent, and SEEKS attention. But that's not the entire religion and, in fact, most Muslims reject such radicalism out of hand because it does NOT represent them.
No more than the behavior of Christians during the Crusades represents modern Christians.

Live and let live.

Bernie is trying to represent the people, not status quo or big finance and industry.
WE THE PEOPLE starts the Declaration of Independence, not, "We the corporations" . . .

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