Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Plausible deniability

It wasn't my idea. I've tried and failed a few times trying to get a blog moving and I think for the most part, the failure was in not taking the time to understand the mechanics of making it all work. I've had a Blogger account for years and years and did nothing with it. I "followed" two blogs, one with Buddhist leanings and one my wife had to do for college that she simply stopped doing when the class was over.

I write a lot, but probably not enough, and I rant from time to time on Facebook and elsewhere. I've had a few people suggest I should start a blog and this is me testing the waters (again?) and seeing what comes of it.

I still need to work through how to do this, pardon the learning curve, but I'm going to see if I can at least spend some time DAILY to work things out with little posts and such.

For now, this is what I got, any CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is welcome. Thanks.

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