Tuesday, May 10, 2016

THIS is pissing me off. The past day or so I've noticed stories suggesting that there is a conservative bias in Facebook. Arstechnica posted as such, as did the NY Times. I know that Facebook algorithms are designed to "tailor" content on your news feed to links, stories, ads, people, that you might have an interest in. OK, fine, that's an advertising trick. The same reason why you see ads for stuff that you looked for on Amazon come up when you're looking at the Time Magazine website, a trick in tracking cookies and other "hidden" things your browser does while you surf.

Remember that, right now, you are being tracked. I'm not doing it, but this site is. Perhaps I could tap in to that some how, maybe if I was trying to make money on this . . .

Anyway. My point is the TRENDING garbage at the time of the image above. That's a screen capture of my Facebook page, as I see it on my computer. Bernie Sanders won the primary in West Virginia and what's "trending"? Hillary.


Media bias. Who benefits the powers that be (corporations) more in this election cycle? Clinton or Sanders?

Frankly, I doubt anyone with a large chunk of change is seriously looking forward to four years of a staunch independent thinker who has made a career and a life over fighting for the common man, the minority, the downtrodden living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Hillary has shown time and again that she listens to big business, responds to it, helps it. Same with Trump. Trump is the epitome of big business, a failure several times over but he's savvy and knows how to manipulate uncertainty to his personal advantage. Both Hillary and Donald do this.

Sanders is a common man who was arrested protesting for civil rights, not for him, but for other men and women, equals, who had the misfortune to be born non-white.

 Feel the Bern
I'm still voting for Bernie, even if it means a write in as long as it won't mean Trump wins. Hillary isn't change, she is status quo ante.

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